Lines of Thought

Katy Hessel, of The Great Women Artists, on Kenturah Davis, Mary Kelly, And Agnes Martin

Katy Hessel, curator and founder of @thegreatwomenartists, discusses the works in 'Lines of Thought' and the ideas that draw together three women artists of distinct generations - Kenturah Davis, Mary Kelly, and Agnes Martin.



Exploring the poetics and politics of language, 'Lines of Thought' brings together important work by Kelly and new text drawings and weavings by Davis that enter into conversation with the hand-drawn lines and gridded compositions of Martin’s works on paper.


The walkthrough was streamed at 7pm on Thursday 3 December via The Great Women Artists' Instagram page.

'Lines of Thought' runs from 3 December 2020 to 6 February 2021 at Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London.
3 December 2020